Friday, June 26, 2009

Introducing the family with Photos

Here's Mackenzie and her Daddy and my Hubby

Here's Mackenzie and Me

And the boys 9 Month pics



Mason is on the left and Brody is on the right

How sweet

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When I became a teen Mom

I began my journey into motherhood a long time ago. May 2000 to be exact. I was a carefree fifteen year old, my biggest worry was, what color my nails would be at my next manicure. Or yikes.....what to wear. Since my daughter is still young, I will make this intro brief. Mommy met a boy, yes at that time, they are still called boys, and felt the need to introduce herself into womanhood we can call it. Well, I, being young, never thought acting like a woman would have any type of repercussions only being fifteen. Fifteen, everyone is doing it, no be deal, actually I was late entering the womanhood club compared to all my other friends. Days turned into weeks, and I felt not so good, but brushed it off. Not me, I couldn't be pregnant. No one else is having this happen, it was just a few times. I remember the day like yesterday, at my friend's house, and we bought a test, just to prove ourselves wrong. I swear that second line turned pink as soon as I peed. I freaked out, laid it down on the bathroom counter, ran to began to pace the kitchen for the full three minutes. Oh of course it always does that I thought, you must wait the full time, it will.....go away. Fast forward three minutes and the rest of my life as I knew would never be the same. At the time, I never thought today, I'd be typing the story, across from my daughter's eight year old room, after I just feed a bottle on one of my twin boys. But that moment that test changed, my life, world changed, and for the better, I just hadn't realized it yet.

Sometimes you don't see the good that lies ahead, and at fifteen fear is about all that can come to a young girl's mind. I was the girl who always jumped on the trampoline saying I wanted ten kids. It's not I didn't want a baby, just shocked it would be now. I told my so supportive family and carried on with the pregnancy. Read every book out there. I was going to be the best damn Mommy I could be regardless of the stigmas, and what other's said. I ate well, didn't drink caffeine, and got all the baby magazines off the shelf. Even a baby name one, and choose the most beautiful girls name, Mackenzie Taylor. She entered my world January 26, 2001. Little did I know that second pink line that terrified me so much at first, was just the first hello of a beautiful little angel baby girl that brought her Mommy and her Daddy so much joy. It's amazing that at 16, I knew the first time I held her, that holding this little tiny person, my life would be better, the worries of a teen mom, never crossed my mind. The only thing I could think of, is how beautiful she is, how I want to be the best Mommy to her I can be. I will protect her and raise her and show her the world. Yes, through younger eyes than some would have imagined, but I didn't care. I had ten perfect fingers, ten perfect toes, my little girl was here and I was her Mommy no matter what. That little girl, my daughter Mackenzie Taylor, has caused me to grow up a little quicker, become mature beyond my years, and has made me a better person and continues to each and every day. I wish I could snap my fingers at other teen Moms and show them too, right now, you don't think you can breath, you can't go on, what's your parents and friends going to think scares the crap out of you, but hopefully, if you you are lucky like me, you will look back and be thankful that God sent you a little angel to say hi on that pregnancy test, yes a few year earlier than you expected, but it may be right on time with his plan for you. I believe everything happens for one reason or another, and you won't understand at the time, and maybe you aren't supposed to, but sometimes what you think is going to be scary, can become beautiful in ways you never knew possible, and sometimes, that happening will grow to love you and will call you Mommy. And that is the most beautiful thing in the world. I wouldn't change a thing, I wouldn't go back and do one thing different, because if I did, I wouldn't be sitting across from my eight year old's room being able to write this, and have tears of joys streaming down from thinking back to my journey from May 2000 to now June 2009.

I stayed in school, graduated with my class, moved out with the love of my life and her father and we married September 2006. We've had twin boys, Brody and Mason, who have their own stories for entering this world, and those are journeys to share next time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

WOW projectile puke

I thought Mason had gotten over this reflux, he was happy as can be and eating a frozen waffle, he's teething, and then a fountain of sticky goo on me the remote, him, the couch, and the floor. I gave him a bath in the sink, and then myself an ultra quick shower, my darn thighs were sticking together from the juice....YUCK. Brody was screaming the whole time for his bottle. Both babies were ill b/c was naptime. Now, they are both fast asleep, or quite.... does it matter really lol! I am tired and the day has just begun. My daughter Mackenzie helped grab a few things for me but she was too busy playing the Wii. Gotta love 8 year olds during summer.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Welcome me

Hey this is a new blog, so I am pretty busy, as today is Father's Day, to get it decorated with pics and feelings. Hope to add more soon.